The Language of Naturalism

The Language of Naturalism is impersonal, simple, clear, objective, balanced, harmonic, descriptive, thorough, colloquial, regionalist and engaged. Characteristics of Naturalism Naturalism was one of the literary trends that emerged in the 19th century in Europe, which was spreading throughout the world. This Read more


What is bioethics? Bioethics is a field of study where issues of moral and ethical dimensions are addressed, which link research, decisions, conduct and procedures in the area of ​​biology and medicine to the right to life. The concept of Read more


Rhetoric, from Greek rhêtorikê, means the art of persuasion through words. Spoken communication is the basis of social interaction and more than that, it acts as the fundamental element of politics. Thus, rhetoric uses language, efficiently, building an argument that aims Read more

Moral values

What are moral values? Moral values ​​are socially constructed judgments, based on the idea of ​​good, of what is right or wrong. The set of these judgments is called moral – a knowledge common to individuals in a certain group, which Read more

Greek Paideia

Paideia is the way education was understood in Ancient Greece. The term “paideia” is derived from the Greek word paidos (child) and means something like “children’s education”. Education is a way in which some societies seek to transmit from generation to generation, some Read more


Contractualism is a theoretical model created to explain the emergence of society. This theory is based on the idea that human beings lived in a pre-social state, called the state of nature, and abandoned it to sign a pact, the social Read more

ethic and moral

In general, ethics is an area of ​​philosophy, also called Moral Philosophy. In it, the fundamental principles of human actions and behavior are studied. Morality, on the other hand, is a social construction formed by the set of these actions and Read more