Aristotelian ethics

Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was the first philosopher to treat ethics as an area of ​​knowledge, being considered the founder of ethics as a discipline of philosophy. Ethics (from the Greek ethos, “custom”, “habit” or “character”) for Aristotle is directly Read more


Arianism is a philosophical doctrine that emerged in the fourth century BC and that put the Holy Trinity in check, one of the main dogmas of the Catholic Church. Proposed by Arius (272 – 337), a professor from Alexandria, the Read more


Cláudio Ptolomeu (in Greek, Klaudios Ptolemaios ), also known as Ptolemy of Alexandria , was an important Greek scientist, born in Egypt and with Roman citizenship who lived between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, contributing significantly in areas of knowledge such as mathematics ( algebra, Read more


The demagoguery is a political strategy that is used to achieve power by appealing to prejudices, emotions, fears and hopes of the public. Despite being associated with the world of politics, we can find demagogy between communicators, artists, teachers and sportsmen. Source Read more

Teodoro Laskaris, despot and later Emperor of Nicaea (1208-1222)


The despotism is a system of government in which only one person, the despot, runs a country or region. Source The word despot comes from ancient Greek and simply means lord of the house . Despotism is characterized by an absence of freedom and Read more


Seneca was one of the important philosophers and intellectuals of the Roman Empire. In addition, he held a prominent position as a speaker, writer, lawyer and politician. Biography From a noble family, Lúcio Aneu Sêneca (in Latin, Lucius Annaeus Seneca ), was born in Read more

What is Mythology?

Mythology is a belief system composed of a series of narratives called myths. These stories seek to explain everything that exists and is important for a society. Myths are stories that explain the existence of different elements of nature, as well Read more