
Sympathomimetic drug indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases due to its bronchodilator effect. Definition Clenbuterol is a sympathomimetic drug indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases due to its bronchodilator effect . In people who suffer from respiratory disorders Read more


BB-5® is an adjuvant that combines non-ionic and anionic components, which make it possible to acidify and keep the pH of the water acidified, avoiding alkaline hydrolysis and inactivation of products when using hard water. It contains a unique pH Read more



The polygons are flat and closed figures formed by line segments. The word “polygon” comes from the Greek and constitutes the union of two terms ” poly ” and ” gon ” which means “many angles”. Polygons can be simple or complex. Simple polygons are those whose consecutive Read more

Sphere Area

Sphere Area

The area of ​​the sphere corresponds to the measurement of the surface of this spatial geometrical figure. Remember that the sphere is a solid and symmetrical three-dimensional figure. Formula: How to Calculate? To calculate the spherical surface area, use the formula: A e = 4. π .r 2 Read more

Potentiation Exercises

Potentiation Exercises

The potentiation is the mathematical operation that represents the multiplication of the same factors. That is, we use the potentiation when a number is multiplied by itself several times. Take advantage of the commented exercises, proposals and contest questions to test your knowledge about Read more

Division exercises

Division exercises

Use the following questions to test your knowledge with split accounts and clear your doubts with the commented resolution. Question 1 Make the following divisions and classify them as exact or not exact. a)  150÷3 37÷15 224÷8 108÷32 Answer: Replies: Read more

Reason and Proportion

Reason and Proportion

In mathematics, the ratio establishes a comparison between two quantities , the coefficient being between two numbers. The proportion is determined by the equality between two reasons , or even when two reasons have the same result. Note that the reason is related to the division’s operation. It is Read more



Angles are two semi-straight lines that have the same origin, at the vertex, and are measured in degree (º) or in radian (rad), according to the International System. Types of Angles Depending on your measurements, the angles are classified as acute, Read more

Examples of planning a cube

Geometric solids

Geometric solids are three-dimensional objects, have width, length and height, and can be classified between polyhedra and non-polyhedron (round bodies). The main elements of a solid are: faces , edges and vertices . Each solid has its spatial representation and its planned representation (geometric solid plan). The names of geometric solids Read more