Octogenic brain abscesses

Suppurative otitis media was the most common cause of brain abscesses, which are located preferentially in the temporal lobe of the brain and in the cerebellum. Ethiopathogenesis The infection of the encephalic mass is produced by contiguity, previous perforation of Read more

Periodontal abscess

 It is an acute purulent inflammatory process caused by pyogenic microorganisms associated with the susceptibility of the individual, located in the soft wall of the periodontal pocket. It is the most frequent complication of periodontal diseases. Pathogeny 1. Occurs in the Read more

Perianal abscess

It is the accumulation of pus that arises from an abnormal communication that exists between the anal canal and the skin around the anus , which is called a perianal fistula. The anus is the terminal orifice of the digestive Read more

Pancreatic abscess

It is a rare but highly lethal local complication of a severe episode of pancreatitis. It manifests late and is characterized by high fever, increasing abdominal pain, leukocytosis, and a palpable mass in 1/3 of patients. Diagnostic imaging methods can Read more

Liver abscess

It is defined as a localized collection of pus in the liver , resulting from any infectious process with destruction of the liver parenchyma and stroma , being in order of frequency: BACTERIAL (pyogenic), MYCOTICS ( Candida Albicans ), which Read more

Gingival abscess

It is a purulent inflammation located in the gum , which can occur both in healthy individuals and those affected by periodontal disease . Pathogeny It is due to the action of pyogenic microorganisms that have penetrated and established within the gingival tissues Read more

Splenic abscess

They are due to infection elsewhere in the body and are small, multiple, and clinically silent, thus constituting incidental findings at autopsy . Symptoms . Clinically obvious splenic abscesses are usually solitary and are due to: 1) systemic bacteremia originating elsewhere in Read more

Nasal septum abscess

Collection of pus between the mucoperichondrium and the cartilage of the nasal septum ; anterior location and that can occur unilaterally or bilaterally. Causes The most frequent causes are regional trauma and secondary infection of the septal hematoma; However, its origin can be traumatic, Read more