
Rejection of homosexuality and homosexuals, homophobia reveals intolerance and discrimination. This term has been intended to describe the rejection, fear, repudiation, prejudice or discrimination towards women or men who recognize themselves as homosexuals. The everyday use of the word includes other people considered in sexual diversity, such as bisexuals and transsexuals, including those beings who maintain habits or attitudes that are usually attributed to the opposite sex, such as metrosexuals.

Aversion, hatred, prejudice or discrimination against homosexual men or women
Aversion, hatred, prejudice or discrimination against homosexual men or women

Origin of the word

This word combines the Greek words phobia (fear) and homo , a contraction of “homosexual” (sex with the same), formed in turn by the prefix homo (equal) and sexual . It should not be confused with the Latin prefix , homo , which means “man.” The meaning of the word would then be: ” phobia of homosexuality”.

The term homophobia was used for the first time, in English “homophobia”, in 1971 by the American psychologist George Weinberg . Weinberg claims to have thought of it for the first time in a talk he gave to a homophile (homosexual) group and became popular thanks to his 1971 book “Society and the Healthy Homosexual.”


  • Someone who is afraid of the gay community. In general it refers to people who detest the gay community and its practices, and who think that gays want special rights rather than equal rights.
  • Anti-homosexual prejudice, analogous to racial prejudice. People with this prejudice have feelings of dislike and discomfort towards homosexuals, extremely rigid and conservative attitudes towards sexuality, and beliefs in the potential of gays to “contaminate” the rest of society.
  • It is not rejection of homosexuals, but an opinion equally respectable as approval.
  • Rejection or discrimination towards homosexual, bisexual , transsexual and sub-sexual men or women .
  • Obsessive aversion to homosexual people.

Use of the word

The Royal Spanish Academy included it for the first time in the twenty-second (XXII) edition of its Dictionary ( DRAE ). Before, the word had already been collected in other important lexicographical works, such as the “Current Spanish Dictionary” (Aguilar, 1999 ).

Related terms

It was created by Wainwright Churchill in his book “homosexual conduct between men” , in 1967 .


Assumption that everyone is heterosexual and the belief that heterosexual people are by nature superior to homosexual and bisexual people.


Assumption that everyone is heterosexual and the belief that heterosexual people are by nature superior to homosexual and bisexual people.


Social, political and economic regime that imposes heterosexual sexual practices through various mechanisms and various institutions that present heterosexuality as necessary for the functioning of society and as the only valid model of sex-affective relationship and kinship.


It reflects the perspective that behaviors and thoughts considered homophobic are not based on fear, but on a condemnation of homosexuality.

Sexual prejudice

They are all negative attitudes based on sexual orientation, whether the target is homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual.

Cuban day against homophobia
Cuban day against homophobia

Sexual Orientation And Events

Based on the interests of the human being towards or preference of his sexual status, development of his aptitudes and thoughts, where he manifests a series of emotions and feelings towards his fellow man of the same sex .

In Cuba there is the Cuban Day against homophobia, with the aim of contributing to the education of the whole society, with emphasis on families and young people, so that, as an exercise of equity and social justice, the right to freedom is respected. and responsible sexual orientation and gender identity .
International Day Against Homophobia on May 17 , in Cuba events, dialogues between young people, suggestions and practical advice on how to lead a safe and happy homosexuality are exposed.

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