Brazil states

Brazil states

Brazil is composed of 26 states and one Federal District . The states are also called Federation units or federative units and occupy the Brazilian regions: North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South. state Initials capital Acre B.C White River State AL Maceio Amapá Read more



Pantanal or Complexo do Pantanal is the smallest Brazilian biome and the largest floodplain in the world with 250 thousand km². Considered by UNESCO “World Natural Heritage” and “Biosphere Reserve”, this region has great biodiversity. However, many animals in this biome are threatened with extinction, Read more

UN (United Nations)

UN (United Nations)

The UN (United Nations Organization) is an international body created on October 24, 1945, after the Second World War. The organ’s purpose is to maintain international peace and security , as well as to develop cooperation between peoples. It seeks to solve social, humanitarian, Read more

Green Economy

Green Economy

Green economy is an economy that finds ways to reduce its pollutant emissions into the atmosphere . It is a low carbon economy, which employs sustainable technology. In other words, the production system follows steps that meet fair, economically viable and environmentally appropriate processes. Read more

Soil Types

Soil Types

The soil is the surface layer of the earth crust. It is a complex composed of mineral and organic materials. Soil formation and composition The soil is the result of the action of several elements: water, climate, living organisms, relief, type of rock Read more



Water is an abundant natural resource on the planet, which is essential for the existence and survival of different forms of life. It is a chemical substance formed by the joining of two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom Read more

Amazon river

Amazon river

The Amazon River , located in South America, is the largest river in the world in terms of water volume and the largest river in the world in extension , with 6,992.06 km. The Amazon River originates at the source of the Apurimac River , on the slope of Nevado Mismi , in Read more