

The seasons are the periods in which the year is divided according to its climatic characteristics. There are four seasons: spring , summer , autumn and winter . They occur over the course of a year. In some regions, it is not possible to distinguish the seasons, and spring and autumn may not Read more

Brazilian Biomes

Brazilian Biomes

There are six major Brazilian biomes (continental). Biomes are collections of ecosystems (plant and animal) with their own biological diversity. According to IBGE, in Brazil there are six types of continental biomes and one marine or aquatic biome . What are the Brazilian terrestrial biomes, then? Amazon thick Caatinga Atlantic forest Pantanal Pampa Map Read more

Itaipu hydroelectric plant, largest hydroelectric plant in the Americas

Hydroelectric Plant

A Hydroelectric Plant, also called Hydroelectric Plant or Hydroelectric Plant, is an engineering work that uses the power of water to generate energy. In reality, it is an intricate engineering project (civil, electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, etc.) that demands enormous construction efforts. This Read more

European countries

European countries

There are 50 countries in Europe . Europe is the second smallest continent in the world by extension and has the same number of countries as Asia, which is the largest of all continents. List of Countries Here is a list of countries for each Read more

Climates of Brazil

Climates of Brazil

Most of the Brazilian territory is found in low latitude areas, between Ecuador and the Tropic of Capricorn. For this reason, hot and humid climates predominate. With regard to humidity, the climate presents some differences from one area to another, from Read more

Earth Layers

Earth Layers

The Earth is made up of three layers, the crust, the mantle and the core. Each layer has different characteristics and temperatures, becoming warmer as it approaches the core. Man has never reached the Earth’s core, but the study of the Read more