Folk dance

The term is reserved for dances that are largely of European tradition and originated in the times for the distinction between the dances of ordinary people and the dances of high society . Much of modern dances originated from folk dances.

Folk dance
Folk dance


Folklore or folklore refers to the beliefs, practices and customs that are traditional to a people or culture. This includes stories, crafts , music, and dancing , for example. The dance , moreover, is the action of dance, ie the execution of movement the rhythm of music.

These two definitions allow us to approach the concept of folk dance, which are the typical and traditional dances of a culture. Folk dance is usually performed by tradition (it is not an innovative art) and can be danced by any man and woman (it is not exclusive to professional dancers, although there may be professional folk dance groups).

In addition to all this, it is important to establish two more characteristics that define what is folk dance. On the one hand we come across the fact that, as a general rule, it is not danced by the aristocracy but by ordinary people and it is also necessary to highlight that this type of dance has in many cases led to new modern dances.

This type of dance is performed especially during social events such as parties and commemorations. The youngest learn by watching the older ones dance, who are in charge of teaching the secrets of each dance to perpetuate the tradition.


The word “folklore” was created by archaeologist English William John Thoms the 22 of August of 1846 timológicamente derived from folk (people, people, race ) Vidya (knowledge, science ) is designated it the “lore” The date coincides , in Argentina , with the birth of Juan Bautista Ambrosetti (1865-1917) recognized as: the father of folk science.


The polka , a type of dance that emerged in the Bohemian region during the first half of the 19th century , is an example of European folk dance. It is characterized by the fast tempo, in 2/4 time that demands fast movements and agility.

In the case of Spain, there are various types of folk dance. So, for example, one of them is the jack . Bandurrias and guitars are fundamentally the musical instruments that are used to interpret this type of piece that the dancers then dance dressed in the typical regional costumes of each autonomous community and at the same time that they themselves play castanets .

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that one of the most important Spanish folk dances is flamenco dance . In the 18th century , and specifically in Andalusia , it was where flamenco in general emerged, both music and dance, which is currently listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity .

Among the many flamenco dancers we must highlight great figures such as Sara Baras , Joaquín Cortés , Antonio Gades , Carmen Amaya , La Argentinita or La Chunga. They and many others are the ones who have taken this folk dance around the world, making it become an art of great recognition and much admired throughout the geography of the planet.

Another folk dance that has transcended the world is belly dance , which combines elements from the Middle East and North Africa , although it has been updated with Western influences.

In Argentina and part of Bolivia , a very popular folk dance is the chacarera, whose music is performed with guitar , violin and bass drum . The rhythmic base of the chacarera is shared by other folk dances, such as the cat (which is also danced in Uruguay ).

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