Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine

Aurelius Augustinus (Aurélio Agostinho), better known as Saint Augustine of Hippo , was the patron of the Augustinian religious order and one of those responsible for the conception of medieval Christian thought and patristic philosophy .

He was also a bishop, writer, theologian, philosopher, in addition to having witnessed historical events of the first order, such as the end of classical antiquity and the invasion of Rome by the Visigoths.

Augustine is considered ‘ Holy ‘ by both the Catholic and Anglican Church and, even for Protestants and Evangelicals, he is a reference in ecclesiastical history with his writings and sayings.

Therefore, he was canonized and transformed into ‘ Doctor of the Church ‘, an honorary and extremely rare title, conceived by the Catholic Church (only 35 Doctors).

His works are reedited to the present day, including most importantly Confessions ( Confessions , 397), his autobiography; Da Trindade ( De Trinitate , 400-416, 15 volumes), where he dedicates himself to the account of divinity in people; and, From the city of God ( De Civitate Dei , 413-426), his best known work, where he explains the earthly city as an imitation of the heavenly city.


Born in Tagaste, on November 13, 354 (present-day Souk-Ahras, Algeria located 90 km from the Mediterranean), near Hippo, then Roman provinces in North Africa, Aurelius Augustinus was a descendant of Berbers by his father and mother, however the latter had converted to Catholicism, while the father remained pagan.

At the age of eleven, he went to study at the ‘Escola de Madaura’, where he had contact with Latin literature and pagan practices and beliefs. Later, he went to Carthage, in order to continue his lessons in rhetoric.

But in 383, he moved to Rome, where he opened his own school, until he was appointed ‘ Professor of Imperial Rhetoric ‘ to the provincial court in Milan in 384. It is at this point that, as a philosopher, he will move away from Manichaeism, pending now to Neoplatonism.

After, he suffers a spiritual crisis in 386 – Augustinus lived as a pagan Roman -, when reading the life of António do Deserto, of Athanasius of Alexandria, Augustine decides to convert to Catholic Christianity and abandon all his old life of comfort and hedonism to serve goodbye.

Thus, he was baptized the following year, by none other than Saint Ambrose (340-397), during the Easter vigil in the city of Milan.

Subsequently, he returned to Africa, where he liquidated his assets and divided him among the poor, except for the patrimony used to form the Augustinian order in Tagasta, in the year 387.

He was ordained a priest in Hiponana, in Algeria, in 391. In that small port of the Mediterranean, Augustine was Bishop Coadjunto , until being appointed bishop, in 397, when he started to take charge of daily mass twice a day, as well as the administration of Church property and local justice issues.

That was until his death, in 430, when he left us, as a legacy, 113 written works , among philosophical and theological treatises, commentaries on Bible writings, sermons and letters.

Theology and Philosophy of Saint Augustine

At the outset, we must note that Saint Augustine was influenced by Manichaeism , according to which the world would be ruled by the ‘forces of good and evil’ (Platonic based conception), as well as by Plotinus Neoplatonism (204 AD – 240 AD).

On the other hand, his conversion took place thanks to the oratory of the Bishop of Milan, Santo Ambrósio, who baptized and influenced him in his speeches.

He was responsible for reinforcing the concept of ‘ original sin ‘ and developing the concept of the Church as the spiritual city of God, distinct from the material city of men.

He also stated that the origin of evil would be in free will , granted by God, from which all evil would be the result of the free removal of good. He was also a defender of divine predestination .

Interestingly, he preached that the way to the truth was in faith, however, reason would be the best way to prove the validity of truths.

Finally, we can highlight as influenced by Saint Augustine, the theologian Tomás de Aquino (1225-1274), who had made a new synthesis of the Greek and Christian philosophical thought, and the theologians João Calvino (1509-1564) and Cornelius Otto Jansenius ( 1585-1638), these, in particular, regarding the predestination theory.

Trivia: Did you know?

  • In the Catholic calendar, Saint Augustine’s day is August 28, the date of his death.
  • Saint Augustine is credited with authoring the first written autobiography, entitled “ Confessiones ”, written between the years 397-398.
  • According to Augustine, the interpretation of the Bible should be done according to the knowledge of each era, in order to provoke reinterpretations of the sacred texts.
  • Saint Augustine is considered the Holy protector of theologians, printers and brewers.

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