
It is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of bacteria .

Fear the bacteria .
Fear the bacteria .


The term owes its meaning to the Greek word ” baktería ” and ” phobía “.


Bacteriophobia like so many other phobias , is a fear that appears in certain situations that we face in this case , unicellular microorganisms , germs or bacteria. People who suffer from this phobia tend to think that bacteria lodge anywhere: food , clothing , their bed , the water they drink, etc.

It is a very common condition, and it is recognized in people who manifest an obsession with cleanliness , especially kitchen utensils , or those who repeatedly wash their clothes before putting them on. This phobia is usually associated with obsessive compulsive disorder and repetitive hand washing .

It is one of the most common phobias according to specialists and it can disturb the quality of life of the person, since if it is very advanced, it could completely avoid human contact and avoid leaving their personal environment, by which you consider to be healthy and infection free .

There are those who often confuse it with Misophobia .


Normally the appearance of this phobia can be due to bad past experiences. During epidemic situations , it is common for people to develop some degree of bacteriophobia.

It should be noted that this phobia may have its roots in other types of phobias or in the presence of mental stress , such as fear of people ( Anthropophobia ), fear of social interaction ( Sociophobia ), fear of not being able to control the environment, or the fear of intimacy ( coitophobia ).


Any situation where the person considers it possible to get dirty or contaminated triggers extreme anxiety and nervousness, shortness of breath or sweat . They may even have thoughts of bacteria eating them alive. They are also afraid of diseases associated with bacteria. The person may not shake hands when greeting, or may maintain a distance from others. There are cases where a person covers his mouth every time other people are speaking.


The best way to deal with bacteriophobia is with the help of a psychotherapist , who through behavioral therapy or the application of self-help methods will be in charge of helping the patient to deal with their problems. It should be mentioned that when looking for different treatment methods, it is always recommended to maintain a positive attitude to overcome the phobia.


Many famous people have suffered from this disorder, including:

  • Howie mandel
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Howard hughes
  • Nicholas Tesla
  • Adrian monk

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