
Brontofobia , is like so many other phobias , a fear that appears in certain situations that we face in this case, storms, thunder and lightning. This fear or fear begins to be detrimental to our life when it limits us to do what we want.

Persistent, abnormal and unjustified fear of lightning and thunder from storms .
Persistent, abnormal and unjustified fear of lightning and thunder from storms .


Brontophobia is a condition in which the individual experiences an extreme fear of storms, especially electrical ones. This type of phobia is often prevalent in young children, but usually begins to disappear as the child enters adolescence. Pets also sometimes have this fear.

People who suffer from it will suffer even though they may realize that thunder does not constitute a threat to their physical integrity. Someone with this phobia will be alarmed both before and during storms. If they are outdoors during a thunderstorm, they will suffer from anxiety symptoms , while if they are indoors, they may tend to hide under the bed, behind the sofa, in closets, etc.

In mild cases, the individual usually practices some type of avoidance. This may include taking some travel during the storm, or moving toward the center of the house in an attempt to isolate yourself from the storm as possible.

During the summer months , when thunderstorms are more frequent, people with brontophobia become obsessed with looking at the weather forecast, choosing to stay indoors when there are storms announced, or even when black clouds begin to form in the sky. Depending on the degree of the phobia, these people experience fear as the summer months approach. This is because they are aware that their daily life will be interrupted: in some extreme cases it is difficult for them to attend work and continue with their routine activities.


Symptoms, as in other phobias, include panic , shortness of breath , rapid heartbeat , sweating, and nausea. The phobic usually feels out of control of these symptoms.


One of the origins of the condition would be some kind of traumatic event in the past that involved the presence of thunder or lightning. For example, living a serious traffic accident that occurred during a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning. Also having been struck by lightning or having a loved one died as a result of an electrical storm.


It is usually structured to deal with the specific symptoms of Brontofobia exhibited by the patient.

Therapy is almost always part of the treatment process.

Depending on the nature and severity of the symptoms, the use of sedatives or anxiolytics is used as part of the course of treatment. As with many types of phobias, therapy often seeks to uncover the underlying experiences and perceptions that led to the development of Brontofobia, remove the power they have over the individual, and help the patient develop a healthy new perception.

Test / diagnosis

Specific Phobia Test / Diagnosis: Brontofobia

  • Do I feel uneasy or anxious when I hear thunder?

___ Sometimes ___ Almost never ___ Always

  • Do I usually have to avoid going outside when it rains?

___ Sometimes ___ Almost never ___ Always

  • Do I usually cancel any of my activities to avoid going out in times of heavy rain?

___ Sometimes ___ Almost never ___ Always

If your answers were “always” you have this phobia

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