
Internationally known as Beach Tennis, it is a sports modality that emerged from the fusion between racket sports and beach sports. It is played between two players (singles) or between two couples (doubles), although the usual modality is doubles. It is played with a racket or paddle and a stage 2 low pressure ball.

This sport has been practiced more and more since the ITF – International Tennis Federation assumed in 2008 the responsibility and development of the Beach Tennis Tour around the world


History of Beach Tennis

The exact origin of beach tennis is not known, we know that at the end of the 70s in some spa establishments in Romagna (Ravenna province), they began to play with paddles, an evolution of the beach drum, also coincided with the construction of the first beach volleyball fields. Initially it was played with the net at the level of volleyball, then, after a few years, the height of the net was lowered to 1.70 meters, to increase the spectacular nature of the game. These first rules were created by Dr. Bellettini.

Beach Tennis could be summarized as the evolution of the game of paddles on the beach, but with an official regulation. In 1997 , the IFBT, International Beach Tennis Federation, was established with the aim of providing regulations, working to train technicians and referees and promoting this sport worldwide. The founder of this entity and current president of the International Federation was Dott. Giandomenico Bellettini, who created it with the ultimate goal of worldwide recognition of this sport.

Giandomenico Bellettini is the president of the International Beach Tennis Federation (IFBT) , he was the Credor Beach Tennis more than 30 years ago in Italy. He was the promoter of the Italian Beach Tennis Federation, creator of the international brand, and promoter of the graphite and fiberglass rackets currently used to play this sport, he was the promoter of the International Beach Tennis Federation (IFBT) which has with more than 57 member countries. Mr. Bellettini created the rules of this sport as well as the name “Beach Tennis” and his first book was written and published in 1997.

Basic rules

During the game

  • If the ball lands on the sand on your court, you lose the point.
  • The field line is considered good
  • If a player hits the ball outside the limits of their field, he will continue playing.
  • You can not invade the attacking half.
  • If a player touches the net while the ball remains in play, is considered ready for the opposing team.
  • Field changes are made in odd games. In the tie-break six points.

The serve

  • He throws behind the line without touching it before hitting the ball.
  • There is only one serve.
  • It is totally free: you can get from anywhere, always behind the line, on either side of the opponent’s field. No need to switch the place of the serve and tennis and paddle. You can take throughout the game in the same half of the field.

He hit

  • Can make hitting the ball from above, as the technique of tennis, or from below and paddle tennis. You can jump in the execution but never step on the field before hitting the ball.
  • If the ball touches the net and passes to the opposite field should follow the point. It is valid as in volleyball. The / s person / s to subtract the serve, may stand as they want, but they can never hit the ball before it totally to his field.


  • Scoring is as conventional tennis, except the next point to the same-deuce, as in tennis beach a single point is disputed, called the golden point. Who wins the game takes.
  • There are several scoring systems. The most used is the best three sets. 6 games each set are by far two 6 equal except that a tie-break would be played.
  • Tie-Breaks are played at 7 points with a difference of two. The competition committee can organize a tournament where the 3rd tiebreaker set is a supertie-break, which will be played to 10 points with a difference of two.

Measures track

The playing area must be a rectangle 16m long by 8m wide, similar to beach volleyball. The track is divided into 2 parts or sides by the net. Said net is placed at a height of 1.70 m. In singles the width of the track is modified, going from 8 to 4.5 m. The line is always part of the track.

Game development

The service is performed from outside the court, only one service per point and free of direction and position when performing it. It can be removed from the top – tennis style – or from the bottom. In mixed doubles, men must serve under. If the ball contacts the net, it is a “live” ball. It means that the service is not repeated.

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