Femoral artery

Extension of the external iliac artery in the lower limb, beginning immediately below the femoral arch and ending at the junction of the middle and lower thighs .

The femoral artery is a large artery in the thigh, arising as a continuation of the external iliac artery
The femoral artery is a large artery in the thigh, arising as a continuation of the external iliac artery


They are a total of two large large blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the lower limbs and the pelvis . They originate in the external iliac artery and then pass below the groin ligament to descend down to the knee , at the level of the adductor magnus muscle . It is the prolongation of the aorta vein and becomes the popliteal artery after the knee. It is the artery where the catheter is most frequently placed during coronary angiography


It is an artery in the thigh, which provides you with blood. It begins in the femoral triangle, behind the inguinal ligament (usually near the head of the femur ). It comes from and is a continuation of the external iliac, which becomes femoral after passing the inguinal ligament.

It runs along the front of the thigh along the femur to supply blood to the arteries around the knee and foot , then backward to enter the adductor canal (a gap between the adductor muscles). After leaving said duct through the adductor hiatus, and already in the popliteal region (behind the knee), in the adductor duct, it is called the popliteal artery

It is distributed by the lower portion of the abdominal wall, upper portion of the thigh, genitals, knee and leg. Its branches are the superficial epigastric, external pudendal, and deep femoral.


It successively crosses the crural ring , the Scarpa triangle and below said triangle.

a) In the crural ring:

  • Back and down with the iliopectineal eminence.
  • Up and forth with the crural ring.
  • Inward with the femoral vein and the ligament of Gimbernat .
  • Outside with the iliopectineal tape, through which it is related to the crural nerve and the psoas.

b) In Scarpa’s triangle:

  • From behind with the channel formed by the psoas and the pectineus.
  • With the cribriform aponeurosis.
  • With the femoral vein.

c) Below Scarpa’s triangle:

  • From behind and inside with the adductor magnus and median.
  • Out with the vast internal.
  • Inward with the sartorius.
  • Throughout its course, the femoral artery is covered with a fibrous sheath.


  • Superficial epigastric or subcutaneous abdominal artery.
  • Superficial external pudendal artery or superior external pudendal.
  • Deep external pudendal or inferior external pudendal artery.
  • Descending artery of the knee or great anastomotic.
  • Accessory arteries of the quadriceps.
  • Deep femoral artery.
  • Superficial circumflex iliac artery

Clinical significance

Since the femoral artery can often be felt through the skin, it is often used as an access artery for catheters. From it, guides and catheters can be directed to any part of the arterial system for intervention or diagnosis, including the heart , brain , kidneys, and upper and lower limbs. The direction of the needle with which the artery is punctured must be against the blood flow (retrograde) in case of intervention and diagnosis carried out towards the heart or the opposite leg, or in favor of the flow (antegrade or ipsilateral) for diagnosis and intervention on the same leg.

Access through the left or right femoral artery is possible, and depends on the type of intervention or diagnosis.



Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (POAD) is a disease that results from inflammatory processes or atherosclerotic processes that causes stenosis or narrowing of the lumen. It is also called disease of theFemoral arteries. It can also result due to thrombus formation, as is often associated with underlying atherosclerotic disease. An increase in this disease can lead to vessel resistance which in turn leads to a reduction in distal perfusion pressure. The conditions of peripheral arterial occlusive disease are very similar to those found in coronary artery disease.

Symptoms and Consequences The most severe effect of POAD is that it can lead to ischemia of the extremities. Under mild conditions, increased resistance to flow can lead to decreased blood flow during limb exercise. This condition is known as decreased active hyperemia. Very sharp reductions in perfusion pressure lead to a decrease in vascular resistance and thus maintains normal blood flow.

Femoral artery aneurysm

Aneurysm or widening of the artery normally occurs in the groin as the femoral artery is normally located in the joint. It is a condition that is demonstrated by the localized, blood-filled balloon like bulging and weakening of the blood vessel walls. It can happen in the aorta or blood vessels , too, apart from occurring in the femoral artery. Symptoms

Aneurysms are more common in men than women. The cause of the aneurysm is not known. If the aneurysm is very small, then it may not even be seen. However, for some people, the symptoms can appear in the form of a lump, which can even be pulsations. Leg cramps while exercising can also cause problems. The patient may need to seek medical treatment to cure himself of this disease.

Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm

Whenever a penetrating injury occurs to the femoral artery, a bubble may be formed in the artery. Blood may leak from the walls of the arteries. This function is called a hematoma, which develops around the walls and then liquefies to form a pulsating bubble, which is known as a pseudoaneurysm. The most common way in which this feature can occur is during cardiac catheterization through the femoral artery.

Femoral Artery Obstruction

Sometimes blood clots can occur in the artery due to atherosclerosis or any other reasons. When this blockage occurs in the leg artery, it is known as a femoral artery obstruction. This blockage can be represented by the form of severe leg cramps and leg pain. Thisblocked symptoms

  • Cramps in the legs, thighs, or calves
  • Skin discoloration
  • Weak pulse in the leg
  • Slow wound healing
  • Impotence in men.

The condition, after diagnosis should be treated at the same time. Surgery may be necessary to remove the blockage.

Femoral Artery Pain

Pain can be caused in the femoral artery due to many reasons. The main reason is the blockage of the artery. Pain that is experienced in the legs or feet, as the blood cannot flow down due to the obstruction. Symptoms

  • Sudden or sudden eruption of pain.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • The pains during the exercise session.


  • Hernia
  • Kidney stones
  • Conditions such as bone arthritis, dislocations, and fractures
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the groin
  • Groin pain in women

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