
 It is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of being touched.

Fear of being touched
Fear of being touched


It is a sharp exaggeration of the normal tendency of people to protect their own space , it feels like a fear of contamination or invasion , even extended towards people that the phobic person knows well. Sometimes, the phobia extends only to people of the opposite sex, then approaching the phobia of sexual harassment, that is, the so-called agraphobia .

It is found within the types of phobias known as specific, where fears are presented at the idea -or the fact- of touching or being touched. Specialists affirm that it is a true exaggeration of the normal tendencies to protect personal space, since the unconscious idea reveals a fear of invasion and contamination, it is to be mentioned that it is not limited to strangers, but that the Fear can also present itself at the touch of someone who knows each other well.


Aphenphosphobia usually develops after some bad experience, although it can also be an extreme reaction to your environment . Cases have been seen where the person restricts their fear to people who are of the opposite sex , which is also associated with the fear of being sexually attacked. Specialists have found that many children who were victims of sexual abuse manifest the fear of being touched. Although aphenphosphobia is considered one of the rare phobias, its presence in someone’s life can have devastating results.


The symptoms of phobia vary from person to person, since it largely depends on the level of fear that is being passed through. Some people can tolerate the contact of a certain person, or give express permission to another so that they can touch them, some are able -after a long period- to build a confidence capable of overcoming the reaction towards that person. However, others feel totally uncomfortable at the very idea of ​​any kind of contact . The symptoms are similar to those of many other phobias, for example you may have crying spells , tremors , excessive sweating , the urge to run and flee. The person may avoid parties and special occasions so as not to have any kind of physical interaction.


To meet the afenfosfobia is possible to go to some sort of psychological therapy , it is also known that couples or therapies of family have helped because that comprise all fear also that alternative ways are developed to demonstrate affection , while being treated.

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