The Importance of Soil

The Importance of Soil

The soil corresponds to the superficial layer of the earth’s crust, being very important for the development of life on earth, since we remove the necessary food for our survival.

Note that we use the soil not only for the production of food, but also as raw material for various constructions.

In addition, the soil has important functions, from storage and drainage and infiltration of water on the surface, being a fundamental component for the development of diverse ecosystems.

For this reason, proper management and soil preservation become essential tasks, since it is a non-renewable natural resource, that is, it is limited, and unbridled exploitation can cause many future problems.

Federal Law 7867 of November 13, 1989, implemented in Brazil the “National Day for Soil Conservation” which is celebrated every April 15th.

The date warns of the importance of this resource so important for the development of life on Earth, as well as water, air, fauna and flora.

Soil Composition and Types

The soil is a complex composed of minerals and organic matter resulting from a slow process resulting from the degradation of rocks and the decomposition of several animals and plants.

There are several types of soil, resulting from the action of elements such as water, climate and relief. Thus, the main types of soil are classified into:

  • Sandy Soil
  • Clay Soil
  • Organic Soil

The Importance of Soil for Humans

In human life, the soil participates almost entirely because we remove the necessary food for our survival.

In addition, we use this resource in civil construction, that is, in the construction of houses, buildings, among others.

The Importance of Soil for Animals

For animals, as well as for humans, soil is a very important development resource, as it is from it that they remove food to survive.

The Importance of Soil for Agriculture

The soil is fundamental in the composition of the terrestrial ecosystem , because it is from it that the plants remove all the necessary nutrients to develop.

The type of soil is very important for plantations and agricultural development. In this sense, not all soils help to reproduce plants. This is because there are poor nutrient soils, which prevent the development of flora.

To improve the environmental problems caused in the soil, sustainable food production through organic farming has been a good alternative.

The organic foods are produced by the absence of chemicals (pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers). The most used farming system affects not only the soil, impoverishing it, but can also generate various diseases in humans.

Ground pollution

The soil pollution can occur in various ways, and that human action has been a major factor in degradation.

Fires, deforestation , the development of pastures (for animals) or plantations and the contamination of water resources (water) generate several environmental problems, such as erosion , which directly affects the soil, unbalancing ecosystems.

Some important steps must be taken, for example:

  • reduction of fires and the use of pesticides in agriculture;
  • reforestation of certain areas;
  • do not throw garbage and chemicals (usually caused by industries) in inappropriate places;
  • separate waste according to selective collection .

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