

The Globalization is a process of deepening of economic, social, cultural and political relations between the peoples around the world.

It is characterized by the absence or reduction of economic and immigration barriers between countries.

Origin of Globalization

The origin of globalization goes back to the 15th century during the mercantilist period. Several European nations have launched themselves into the sea in search of new lands and wealth.

Subsequently, in the 18th century it was characterized by an even greater increase in the flow of workforce between countries and continents, especially in the new European colonies in Africa and Asia.

European man came into contact with people from other continents and established commercial and cultural relations at unprecedented levels.

In the 19th century, with the invention of electricity, railways and steam ships, distances were shortened and products could reach the most remote places.

This set of transformations, both political and economic, intensified, above all, at the end of the 20th century, with emphasis on the post-World War II period.

After the end of the Soviet Union , the world was no longer divided by an ideological barrier. The countries that belonged to the communist bloc would adopt liberalism and capitalism as a form of government and economic policy.

Neoliberalism arises that will gain strength and will drive the process of economic globalization across the four corners of the world.

Characteristics of Globalization

  • Social, economic and political integration;
  • world market union (commercial and financial relations);
  • strengthening international relations;
  • increased production and consumption of goods and services;
  • technological and media advancement;
  • instantaneous and speed of information (for example, via internet);
  • increased economic competition and the level of competition;
  • the emergence of economic blocs and the disappearance of trade frontiers;
  • expanding the use of machines to perform tasks;
  • growth of the informal economy;
  • valorization of qualified labor;
  • privatization of state-owned companies.

Globalization in Brazil

Just as in countries colonized by other Europeans, globalization in Brazil begins with the arrival of the Portuguese in the country.

This is because economic, social, cultural and political relations between the peoples who lived here and the colonizers began.

However, it was only in the 20th century that this process had the greatest impact on the Brazilian economy. The implementation of neoliberalism through the Collor Plan and the privatizations of state-owned companies stand out.

In addition, the expansion of industries and multinational companies was essential to strengthen the process of globalization in the country.

Economic Globalization

A notable fact of globalization is the accumulation of knowledge. This causes an increase in the pace of changes in the means of production and has the consequence of lowering the productive method of industries.

Thus, since the beginning, we have noticed a dispersion of the production chain, through which products are manufactured in several countries.

The main objective is to reduce costs for the exploitation of labor, raw materials and energy in developing countries.

We can also imagine globalization as a process that aims to build and improve a network of connections.

The aim is to shorten distances, facilitating cultural and economic affinities, since it establishes the connection between countries and people around the world.

In this sense, financial institutions (banks, exchange offices) created an effective system to benefit the transfer of capital and to trade shares on a global scale.

Economic blocks

These relations between countries generated the need to expand their markets and led nations to an economic opening to foreign products.

Thus, there was the creation of economic blocks, whose main objective is to increase trade relations between members. To this end, the European Union , Mercosur , NAFTA , the Andean Pact and APEC appear .

This strengthened the reinterpretation of the philosophy of liberal Enlightenment origin, which is now called Neoliberalism .

Cultural Globalization

With the opening of markets, the consumer (who becomes a new category of citizen) has access to imported quality products at low cost.

This process also contributes to the universalization of access to the means of communication due to the reduction of technologies and production methods.

Globalization has as its most notable icon the Internet, the planetary computer network. It became possible thanks to pacts between different public and private entities around the world.

In this way, the English language becomes fundamental on the Internet, as a fast efficient and totally new way to relate with people from other countries.

However, it is still a form of cultural colonization, as other languages ​​and cultural expressions are displaced or underestimated.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization

As the main positive point of globalization, we can mention the technological advances that make people’s lives easier. It facilitates the flow of information and capital through innovations in the areas of Telecommunications and Informatics.

With a negative point, it must be said that the largest share of the money is among the most developed countries. These achieve astronomical profits and create a disproportionate relationship, which generates a brutal concentration of wealth.


Globalization gave rise to Generation Y , the first that is living in a hyper-connected world and with less commercial and cultural barriers.

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