All About United States Of America (USA)

The United States of America (USA or USA, of United States of America ) is the largest world power. Located in North America, the country borders Canada and Mexico.

It is bathed by the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic oceans, the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.


The territory of the United States was previously inhabited by indigenous peoples. However, the discoveries of indigenous lands by the Europeans culminated in the colonization of the territory by the French, English, Spanish and Dutch. The English colonized the east coast of the country and established the so-called Thirteen Colonies , between the 17th and 18th centuries, amid various conflicts between colonizers and indigenous people.

The Thirteen Colonies were:

New Hampshire Province
Massachusetts Bay Province
Rhode Island Colony
Connecticut Colony
New York Province
New Jersey Province
Pennsylvania Province
Delaware Colonies
Maryland Province
Virginia Domain Colony
North Carolina Province
South Carolina Province
Georgia Province

The United States became independent from England in 1776 , on the 4th of July. This fact was recognized in the year 1783 through the Treaty of Paris, an international agreement that confirmed the end of the United States War of Independence.


Due to American imperialism , American customs, from sport, music, to technological aspects, tend to be imitated around the world.

One of the most striking aspects of the country is its cuisine . US cuisine is known for fast food , apple pies and high daily consumption of coffee.

There, breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, bacon and waffles


USA Flag
USA Flag

The United States Flag has thirteen horizontal bands that alternate between white and red, representing the Thirteen Colonies. In the blue rectangle, there are 50 stars representing the states of the country.


The United States has as its form of government the Presidential Federal Republic , in which there is a head of state who governs it according to the country’s Constitution, having its power legitimized by the people. There are three spheres of government: federal, state and municipal. The federal sphere is composed of the judiciary, executive and legislative.

States of the United States and their respective capitals

The territory of the United States is divided into 50 states, in addition to territories such as Guam, American Samoa, the US Virgin Islands and the Associated Free States of the Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico. See the list of states in alphabetical order:

  • Alabama (Montgomery), Alaska (Juneau), Arkansas (Little Rock), Arizona (Phoenix)
  • California (Sacramento), North Carolina (Raleigh), South Carolina (Columbia), Colorado (Denver), Connecticut (Hartford)
  • North Dakota (Bismarck), South Dakota (Pierre), Delaware (Dover)
  • Florida (Tallahassee)
  • Georgia (Atlanta)
  • Hawaii (Honolulu)
  • Idaho (Boise), Illinois (Springfield), Indiana (Indianapolis), Iowa (Des Moines)
  • Kansas (Topeka), Kentucky (Frankfort)
  • Louisiana (Baton Rouge)
  • Maine (Augusta), Maryland (Annapolis), Massachusetts (Boston), Michigan (Lansing), Minnesota (Saint Paul), Mississippi (Jackson), Missouri (Jefferson City), Montana (Helena)
  • Nebraska (Lincoln), Nevada (Carson City), New Hampshire (Concord), New Jersey (Trenton), New York (Albany), New Mexico (Santa Fe)
  • Oklahoma (Oklahoma City), Ohio (Columbus), Oregon (Salem)
  • Pennsylvania (Harrisburg)
  • Tennessee (Nashville), Texas (Austin)
  • Utah (Salt Lake City)
  • Vermont (Montpelier), Virginia (Richmond)
  • Washington (Olympia), Wisconsin (Madison), Wyoming (Cheyenne)

Map of the United States

→ Map of the United States
→ Map of the United States


The American population has approximately 326,766,748 inhabitants, according to the IBGE. A large part of the population is made up of immigrants , especially from countries in Latin America and the Asian continent. According to the 2017 report prepared by the Center for Immigration Studies, the number of immigrants in the U.S. has exceeded 43 million , with Mexicans the most migrating to that country.

The state of California receives the most immigrants, given its policy aimed at these, unlike other states. Regarding Brazilians , according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are approximately 1.4 million of these in the United States.

Famous Personalities of USA

  • George Washington (1732-1799)
  • Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
  • Mark Twain (1835-1910)
  • Henry Ford (1863-1947)
  • Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957)
  • Billie Holiday (1915-1959)
  • Elvis Presley (1935-1977)
  • Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)
  • Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962)
  • John F Kennedy (1917-1963)
  • Bob Dylan (1941)
  • Muhammad Ali (1942)
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
  • Neil Armstrong (1930 -2012)
  • Jimi Hendrix (1942 – 1970)
  • Billie Jean King (1943)
  • Bill Gates (1955)
  • Oprah Winfrey (1954)
  • Monica Lewinsky (1973)
  • Michael Jackson (1958-2009)
  • Britney Spears (1981)
  • Johnny Depp (1963)
  • The Simpsons
  • Sarah Palin (1964)
  • Barack Obama (1961)
  • Donald Trump


With a Gross Domestic Product of $ 19.39 trillion, the United States is currently the largest economy in the world , ahead of countries like China and Japan. According to the International Monetary Fund, in 2018, the country’s economy grew 2.9%, while the unemployment rate fell from 4.4% to 3.8%.

The country’s economy is based on sectors of agriculture that have high productivity and the use of modern technologies , producing mainly corn, soybeans and cotton, and the industrial sector, which represents about 19% of GDP, producing machines, electronics, machinery, automotive and chemical products.

There is also emphasis on pharmaceutical and aerospace production Another sector that also contributes to the country’s economic development is the services sector , corresponding to more than three quarters of GDP.

According to the Economic Complexity Observatory, the United States is the third largest exporting economy in the world, having exported, in 2017, approximately US $ 1.25 trillion, with emphasis on refined petroleum, airplanes, cars, helicopters and packaged medicines. The main destinations are Mexico, China, Canada and Japan.

The imports reached about $ 2.16 billion and were mainly imported crude petroleum, transmission equipment, digital drives and parts coming vehicles from countries like China, Mexico, Canada and Japan.


McDonald's is considered the largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants in the world, based in the United States. *
McDonald’s is considered the largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants in the world, based in the United States. *

Due to its great territorial extension and an enormous cultural plurality, given the presence of countless ethnic groups in the country, as well as thousands of foreigners, the United States is one of the countries of greatest diversity. Whether in natural aspects, with different climates and reliefs throughout its territory, or in customs, traditions and languages ​​spread throughout the territory. People around the world are influenced by American culture in gastronomy, fashion, sports and entertainment.

In addition, music, art, cinema, sports and gastronomy are remarkable not only in the country, but also in all regions of the world. The Americans are one of the greatest Olympic powers, presenting strong teams in various sports. And who has never eaten a fast food? Sandwiches, fries, bacon are symbols of cuisine in the country and have spread around the world.

Another of the main characteristics of this people is their individuality. The population of the country values ​​its culture very much, being, therefore, very patriotic, so it is possible to find several flags of the country flying in the most diverse places.


According to the IBGE, 326,766,748 inhabitants live in the United States, occupying the third place in the ranking of the most populous countries in the world . In addition to its native population, the country also has a huge contingent of immigrants from Latin America and Asia, especially.

In 2017, the number of immigrants in the United States exceeded 43 million, according to a report presented by the Center for Immigration Studies. Mexicans appear in greater numbers. The state of California has the largest number of foreigners. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are about 1.4 million Brazilians in the United States.

The most populous cities in the country are:

  • New York
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago
  • Dallas

Most popular cities in the United States


Chicago is the city where the world's first skyscraper was built.
Chicago is the city where the world’s first skyscraper was built.

Chicago is located in the state of Illinois on the shores of Lake Michigan. It is considered one of the most dynamic cities in the United States, with landscapes full of skyscrapers such as the Willis Tower (the world’s first skyscraper).

Chicago is also known for its art and culture , as there are around 60 museums in the city and several music festivals are held. Chicago’s population is descended mainly from Europeans like Germans, Swedes and Poles.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas is known as the entertainment city, full of casinos and hotels. **
Las Vegas is known as the entertainment city, full of casinos and hotels. **

Las Vegas is one of the most sought after cities in the United States for tourists. It is located in the south of the state of Nevada and receives approximately 42 million tourists during the year. The city known for its casinos, luxury hotels and nightlife attracts people looking for fun. At night there are several shows and theatrical performances. However, Las Vegas is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world for entertainment seekers.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles is known as the movie city of the United States.
Los Angeles is known as the movie city of the United States.

Los Angeles is a city in the state of California, on the West Coast of the United States. Just behind New York, Los Angeles is the second most populous city in the country. The city is considered one of the main commercial, financial and entertainment centers in the country.

According to Forbes, Los Angeles is the sixth most economically powerful city in the world. Hollywood is one of its most visited tourist districts. Most of the country’s film industry is concentrated in this region.

New York

New York is known as the city that never sleeps.
New York is known as the city that never sleeps.

According to Time Out magazine , New York is considered the best city in the world when it comes to culture, entertainment and gastronomy. The city is the most populous in the United States and attracts visitors from all over the world.

The streets of New York inspire fashion, commerce and dynamism. The bustle and lighting of Times Square gives New York the status of a city that never sleeps. The Central Park is also one of the most visited spots of the city.


Orlando is the most visited city in the United States.
Orlando is the most visited city in the United States.

Who has never heard of Orlando ? The city, located in the state of Florida on the East Coast of the United States, permeates the imagination of thousands of people, adults and children. It contains the most visited amusement park in the world: Walt Disney World . The park receives approximately 52 million people annually. Orlando is the most visited city in the United States and the second most visited city in the world. In addition to tourist activity, the city is also a major financial hub.


  • The United States is a nation located on the American continent, specifically on the North American subcontinent.
  • The country has a great territorial extension, which gives it a huge cultural, ethnic diversity and also a great biodiversity.
  • There are 50 states in the American territory, such as New York, Texas, California and Florida.
  • The culture of the United States has spread throughout the world, influencing the population of different regions.
  • Many cities are visited by tourists throughout the year, such as Chicago, Orlando, Las Vegas and New York.
  • The United States is the third most populous nation in the world.

Effect of covid-19 on America’s Economy

The coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) spread rapidly across the world. Although the late impact on the region has enabled countries to prepare themselves better to face it, the economic cost has been high. What are the prospects for South America in the face of the pandemic?

This material seeks to summarize how the economies of South America are being affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. In general terms, both Latin America and South America are expected to register a significant drop in their aggregate GDP at the end of 2020, while for 2021 there are expectations of a recovery of around 3 to 4%.

We analyzed the channels through which the outbreak affects countries in the region and how some sectors are impacted, as well as some of the measures that country authorities are implementing to mitigate the economic and health effects of the pandemic, showing estimates of individual growth for the period of 2020-2021.

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