Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer . It is located 709 meters above sea level, in the city of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , specifically on the top of the Corcovado hill. It has a total height of 38 meters, including its 8 meters of pedestal. It was inaugurated on October 12, 1931, after approximately five years of work.

Also known as Christ of Rio de Janeiro and for Christ of Brazil
Also known as Christ of Rio de Janeiro and for Christ of Brazil


The construction of a religious monument was suggested for the first time in 1859 , by Father Pedro Maria Boss and Princess Isabel. The idea was taken up again in 1921 , when the commemoration of the centenary of Independence was approaching. The foundation stone for the statue was laid on April 4 , 1922, and construction began in 1926 . Among other people who collaborated for the realization, the engineers Heitor da Silva Costa (author of the project), the plastic artist Carlos Oswald (author of the initial design of the monument) and the French sculptor Paul Landowski can be mentioned. (executor of the head and hands of the sculpture).

The reinforced concrete construction, of more than 1000 tons, combines engineering, architecture and sculpture, and has among its achievements the fact that no one died in an accident during the works, something that was not normal at the time and with projects of this size . Due to the construction conditions, on a base where the scaffolding hardly fit, with strong winds, and the structure of the statue, whose arms are extended into the void and the head is bowed in an engineering challenge, Levy qualified the work of “herculean”.

At the opening ceremony, at 19h 15min on December of October of 1931 , it was expected that the illumination of the monument was operated from the Italian city of Naples, where the Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi emit an electrical signal would be broadcast by an antenna located in the Rio de Janeiro neighborhood of Jacarepaguá, via a receiving station located in Dorchester, England . However, bad weather made the feat impossible and the lighting was finally activated directly from the premises.

The lighting system was replaced twice: in 1932 and in 2000 . Restored in 1980 , on the occasion of the visit of Pope John Paul II and again in 1990 . In 2003, a system of escalators was inaugurated to facilitate access to the platform where the statue stands.

Known as a symbol not only of the city of Rio de Janeiro , but also of Brazil , the statue of Christ the Redeemer is captured by the lenses of two million tourists who contemplate and transform this tourist spot into a true “ tower of Babel ”.Also known as Christ of Rio de Janeiro and for Christ of Brazil

Cultural and artistic value

A candidate who was a symbol of Christian religious culture could not be missing from the vote. This large statue is made in honor of one of the most important symbols of Christianity: Jesus Christ. This gives it value on a cultural level. In addition to this, its artistic value is found in that it is an exhibition piece of Art Deco from 1930 .

Recognized by authorities

On this occasion, it is the architectural authorities and engineers who recognize the greatness of this monument. This piece required a great effort to bring the parts to the place where they would be located. Its design is a work of art (literally) and it is built in such a way that neither the weather nor the passing of the years easily affect it.

World Heritage

This work of art is a sample of one of the religions that has starred in the most important events in history: Christianity. For millennia, this religion, with its icons and symbols, has maintained its traditions and rituals. Christ the Redeemer reminds us of this important part of the history of humanity, for this reason it is part not only of Brazil , but of the entire world.

Landscape and symbolic value

The landscape that can be seen from where it is located and the way it blends with the panoramic view of the city of Rio de Janeiro has no comparison. It is simply beautiful.


  • In the original sketches, the possibility of carrying the Christ with a cross and a globe was raised, but the idea was scrapped to avoid thinking that it was a “soccer player” Christ.
  • On another occasion, the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro decided to denounce several companies that used the image of Christ on beer cans and other items, to prevent their image from losing its religiosity.
  • In 2006 the place where Christ the Redeemer is was declared a sanctuary, so people can get married, baptize their children or do any Catholic ceremony.
  • In 2007 Christ the Redeemer turned 75 years old.
  • Day 7 of July of 2007 the Cristo Redentor was named one of the winners in the list of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World , an initiative created by Swiss Bernard Weber , lacking the support of institutions or governments to the continue its electoral purposes and allow the wonders ranked by the vote of more than one hundred million voters to be selected through a web page.
  • In 2010, the Catholic Church in Brazil sued Columbia Pictures for including in the 2012 film a scene where the destruction of Christ the Redeemer was seen.

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