Pope Francis

Francisco (in Latin, Franciscum PP), is the 266th pope of the Catholic Church and current head of state of Vatican City . Secular name Jorge Mario Bergoglio , was born in Buenos Aires , on December 17 , 1936 . He was elected the 13 of March of 2013 , during the fifth ballot of the second conclave of the third millennium. It happened as high priest and bishop of Rome to Benedict XVI , who had resigned 14 days ago.

Francisco is the first pontiff originally from the American continent and the first who is not a native of Europe , the Middle East or North Africa ; Likewise, he is the first Hispanic pontiff since Alexander VI and the first non-European since 741, the year in which Gregory III , who was of Syrian origin, died. He is also the first pope member of the Jesuit order ( Compañía de Jesús ).

In his first words as a Catholic Pope, he expressed:

You know that the duty of the conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother Cardinals have GONE TO LOOK FOR IT ALMOST THE END OF THE world.
Before his election as “Supreme Pontiff”, the then Cardinal Bergoglio served as Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of Argentina since February 1998. He was president of the Argentine Episcopal Conference for two terms.

Pope Francis
Pope Francis

Life before the papacy
Of Italian descent, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires , the capital of Argentina, on December 17 , 1936 . He is one of the five children of the Italian marriage formed by Mario Bergoglio, a railway worker of Piedmontese origin, and Regina Sivori, a housewife, born in Argentina.

He studied at the industrial secondary school Escuela Nacional de Educación Técnica No. 27 Hipólito Yrigoyen from which he graduated as a chemical technician, after which he was working in the Hickethier-Bachmann laboratory, performing bromatological analyzes aimed at controlling the hygiene of food products. Already at that time I felt a strong religious vocation.

In his youth, an illness caused him to undergo a surgical operation in which a portion of his lung was removed . [4] Despite this, Pope Francis is currently in good health, and according to doctors, the tissue missing from his lung has no significant impact on his health. The only concern would be a decrease in your breathing reserve if you do develop a respiratory infection .


The then priest Bergoglio, today Pope Francis, offering a mass.
The then priest Bergoglio, today Pope Francis, offering a mass.

At the age of 21, in 1957 he decided to become a priest. The November to March of 1958 he entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus, made humanistic studies in Chile , and in 1963 , returning to Buenos Aires, graduated in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the College “San Jose” San Miguel . From 1964 to 1965 he was Professor of Literature and Psychology at the Colegio de la Inmaculada de Santa Fe, and in 1966 he taught the same subject at the Colegio de El Salvador in Buenos Aires. From 1967 to 1970 he studied Theology at the Faculty of Theology of the Colegio “San José”, in San Miguel de Tucumán (northern Argentina), where he graduated.

The 13 as December as 1969 was ordained a priest [3] , year in which he traveled to Spain to meet its third “probandato” (term used to prepare intellectually young priests) and in the 1969-1971 year, exceeded the third probation at the University of Alcalá de Henares , in Madrid. On April 22 he made his perpetual profession.

In 1972 he returned to Argentina, after his time in Spain to work as novice master at Villa Barilari, in San Miguel (1972-1973), professor at the Faculty of Theology, Consultor of the Province and Rector of Colegio Massimo. On July 31, 1973, he was elected Provincial of Argentina, a position he held for six years.

Between 1980 and 1986 , he was rector of the Massimo School and of the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology of the same house and pastor of the parish of Patriarca San José, in the diocese of San Miguel. In March 1986, he moved to Germany to complete his doctoral thesis, and his superiors assigned him to the school in El Salvador , and later to the church of the Society of Jesus , in the city of Córdoba , as spiritual director and confessor.

Episcopate and cardinal

After a great activity as a priest and professor of theology, he was consecrated titular bishop of Oca (Auca, in Latin) on May 20, 1992, to serve as one of the auxiliary bishops of Buenos Aires. When the health of his predecessor in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Archbishop Antonio Quarracino began to weaken, Bergoglio was appointed coadjutor archbishop of the same on June 3, 1997. When Quarracino passed away, he was succeeded in the position of Archbishop of Buenos Aires by the February 28, 1998, position that has added the title of primate of Argentina.

During the consistory of February 21, 2001, Pope John Paul II created him a cardinal with the title of Saint Robert Bellarmine . As a cardinal he was part of the Commission for Latin America, the Congregation for the Clergy, the Pontifical Council for the Family, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments , the Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops. and the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life .

As Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he was also a member of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, of which he was president for two consecutive periods from November 2005 to November 2011, and he could not be re-elected once again because article 61 of the statutes did not allow it. He was also a member of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM).

In 2005, Cardinal Bergoglio, already president of the Episcopal Conference, authorized the processing of the cause for the beatification of the six members of the Society of Apostolic Life of the Pallottine Fathers who were murdered in 1976 in the well-known St. Patrick massacre. . At the same time, Bergoglio ordered an investigation of the massacre itself, which is attributed mostly to the Argentine military regime.

During his time as a cardinal, Bergoglio used public transport to get around the city
During his time as a cardinal, Bergoglio used public transport to get around the city

As archbishop and cardinal, Francis was known for his humility, doctrinal conservatism, and his commitment to social justice. He chose to promote dialogue and get closer to different social groups, whether they were Catholic or not; as well as by reinforcing the pastoral task in the parishes, increasing the presence of priests in the villages (marginal neighborhoods). This made him known as “the bishop of the poor.”

The sociologist Fortunato Mallimaci indicated that “he was very present in acts against human trafficking, in favor of the victims of traffic accidents or the tragedies of the Cromañón nightclub (2004) and the Once railway station (2012)”. He shared masses with prostitutes, visited prisons and gave freedom for the progressive sectors of the Church to act.

A simple lifestyle has contributed to his reputation for humility: He lived in a small apartment instead of the palatial Episcopal residence, gave up his limousine and driver in favor of public transportation, and cooked his own food. He enjoyed opera, tango, and soccer; He is a fan and simple active member of the Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro . He is also a passionate reader of Fiódor Dostoevsky and Jorge Luis Borges , as well as classical authors.

Bergoglio, before being elected pope, submitted his resignation as archbishop at the age of 75, in accordance with canon law. He planned to retire once his successor was appointed and to retire to a home for elderly or sick priests, where he already had a room reserved; to later lead a life of prayer and spiritual direction, away from ecclesiastical government .



Pope Francis, accompanied by members of the College of Cardinals , during his presentation as the new Supreme of the Catholic Church, on March 13, 2013
Pope Francis, accompanied by members of the College of Cardinals , during his presentation as the new Supreme of the Catholic Church, on March 13, 2013

During the 2013 conclave he was considered a reformist candidate, with the age and capacity to reform the curia. Despite this, he was not among the most notorious papables. But before his resignation became effective, Benedict XVI had made a gesture towards Bergoglio, since he had appointed him as a member of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America (CAL), which was interpreted as an implicit message of confidence.

It was Cardinal Jaime Ortega , archbishop of Havana , who released a unique document with Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s presentation before the cardinals immediately before the conclave. This document includes four points:

In the first point he expressed: «The Church is called to leave itself and go towards the peripheries, not only the geographical ones, but also the existential peripheries: those of the mystery of sin, those of pain, those of injustice, those of ignorance and religious disregard, those of thought, those of all misery ».
In the second paragraph he characterized the institution as a “self-referential” Church, centered on itself, a tendency that sickens the institution.
In the third point, Bergoglio deepened this problem. “The Church, when it is self-referential, without realizing it, believes that it has its own light … and gives rise to that grave evil that is spiritual worldliness.”
In the fourth point, he made a comment on the characteristics that he considered a current pope should have. The pontiff would be, Bergoglio explained, “a man who, from the contemplation of Jesus Christ … helps the Church to go out of itself towards the existential peripheries”
On March 13, 2013, in the fifth round of voting of the second conclave of the third millennium, he reached the majority of votes, being elected as the 266th Pope of the Church and successor to Benedict XVI . He took the name of Francis – sometimes incorrectly reproduced as Francis I – and, in his first public appearance, he offered a prayer for his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Brothers and sisters, good afternoon. You know that the duty of the conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother Cardinals have gone looking for him almost to the end of the world; but here we are. I thank you for the welcome. The diocesan community of Rome has its bishop. Thank you. And first of all, I would like to pray for our Bishop Emeritus, Benedict XVI. Let us all pray together for him, so that the Lord blesses him and Our Lady protects him. (Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father). And now, we begin this path: bishop and people. This path of the Church of Rome, which is the one that presides in charity to all the Churches. A path of brotherhood, of love, of trust between us. Let us always pray for ourselves: for each other. Let us pray for the whole world, for there to be a great brotherhood. I wish that this path of the Church,that today we begin and in which my Cardinal Vicar, here present, will help me, be fruitful for the evangelization of this beautiful city. And now I would like to give the blessing, but first, first, I ask you a favor: before the bishop blesses the people, I ask you to pray for the one that the Lord blesses me: the people’s prayer, asking the blessing for their bishop. Let us silently pray this prayer of you for me … Now I will give the blessing to you and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will. (Blessing). Brothers and sisters, I leave you. Thank you very much for your welcome. Pray for me and see you soon. See you soon. Tomorrow I would like to go and pray to Our Lady, so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and rest.May it be fruitful for the evangelization of this beautiful city. And now I would like to give the blessing, but first, first, I ask you a favor: before the bishop blesses the people, I ask you to pray for the one that the Lord blesses me: the people’s prayer, asking the blessing for their bishop. Let us silently pray this prayer of you for me … Now I will give the blessing to you and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will. (Blessing). Brothers and sisters, I leave you. Thank you very much for your welcome. Pray for me and see you soon. See you soon. Tomorrow I would like to go and pray to Our Lady, so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and rest.May it be fruitful for the evangelization of this beautiful city. And now I would like to give the blessing, but first, first, I ask you a favor: before the bishop blesses the people, I ask you to pray for the one that the Lord blesses me: the people’s prayer, asking the blessing for their bishop. Let us silently pray this prayer of you for me … Now I will give the blessing to you and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will. (Blessing). Brothers and sisters, I leave you. Thank you very much for your welcome. Pray for me and see you soon. See you soon. Tomorrow I would like to go and pray to Our Lady, so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and rest.I ask that you pray for the Lord bless me: the people’s prayer, asking for the blessing for their bishop. Let us silently pray this prayer of you for me … Now I will give the blessing to you and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will. (Blessing). Brothers and sisters, I leave you. Thank you very much for your welcome. Pray for me and see you soon. See you soon. Tomorrow I would like to go and pray to Our Lady, so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and rest.I ask that you pray for the Lord bless me: the people’s prayer, asking for the blessing for their bishop. Let us silently pray this prayer of you for me … Now I will give the blessing to you and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will. (Blessing). Brothers and sisters, I leave you. Thank you very much for your welcome. Pray for me and see you soon. See you soon. Tomorrow I would like to go and pray to Our Lady, so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and rest.Tomorrow I would like to go and pray to Our Lady, so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and rest.Tomorrow I would like to go and pray to Our Lady, so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and rest.
Bergoglio chose the name of Francisco as his pontifical name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi , an Italian saint who founded the Franciscan Order in the 13th century and who was characterized by his dedication to the poor and his extreme humility. Some journalists pointed out in this regard that his preference for this name was a sign of how he wants to carry out his pontificate, and the pope later declared to the press that he would like “a poor Church and for the poor”when explaining why of his choice for the name of Francis of Assisi: “For me he is the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and guards Creation.”

The pope relaxedly explained that after the conclave some names were suggested to him, such as Hadrian, for Hadrian VI , a reformist pope; or Clemente, for Clement XIV , the pope who forbade the Jesuits, as a small “revenge.” However, he opted for Francisco for a few words that Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes told him when he was reaching the majority to be elected: “Don’t forget the poor”.

First activities

The day after his election as high pontiff, Pope Francis held a mass in the Sistine Chapel as well as a visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore . On the night of the 14th, Francisco visited the residence where he had stayed, along with several cardinals, during the 2013 Conclave days, and made the payment of the bill for his stay there. Despite the refusal of the administrators, the newly consecrated Pope insisted, claiming that “it was fair.”

On his second day of pontificate, on Friday, March 15, he received all the cardinals in audience in the Clementine Hall of the Vatican. Francis thanked the support received in the papal conclave, and praised the work done by his predecessor Benedict XVI, for whom he said he felt “great gratitude and affection for my predecessor, who reinvigorated the Church with his faith, his knowledge and his humility . ” He also stated that “all of us are going to try to respond with faith to bring Jesus Christ to humanity and to bring humanity back to Christ, to the Church . “

On Saturday 16, he received journalists in audience in the Paul VI Hall , whom he blessed and thanked for the work carried out during the days of the conclave. In this act the pope spoke for the first time since he was elected in Spanish: “Many of you do not belong to the Catholic Church and others are not believers, but respecting the conscience of each one, I give you my blessing knowing that each one of you are children of God. May God bless you! ” .

Your work requires study, sensitivity and experience, as in so many other professions, but it implies a special attention to truth, goodness and beauty; and this makes us particularly close, because the Church exists precisely to communicate this: Truth, Goodness and Beauty “in person” (…).
Pope Francis, March 16, 2013

Francis giving a tour in the papal vehicle during the enthronement mass in St. Peter's Square on March 19, 2014
Francis giving a tour in the papal vehicle during the enthronement mass in St. Peter’s Square on March 19, 2014

On Sunday 17, after having made his first prayer for the Angelus , his first tweet appeared in which he stated: “Dear friends, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I beg you to continue praying for me.”

On March 18, he met with the Argentine president, Cristina Fernández , in which it was the first private audience of the new Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church with a head of state. The meeting lasted about 20 minutes and was followed by lunch. At the meeting, the president asked the pope for his mediation to get a dialogue with the United Kingdom regarding the sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands . They also exchanged gifts with each other.

On March 19, the day of Saint Joseph, the mass of the beginning of his pontificate took place which was held in the Plaza de San Pedro with the presence of representatives of 132 countries (among them several leaders, vice presidents and ministers) as well as leaders from other religious communities. The mass began at 9:30 in the morning (local time in Rome) accompanied by 10 patriarchs of Eastern Churches as well as 4 Catholic cardinals who after praying at the tomb of Saint Peter, located under the main altar of the Basilica of Saint Peter, they headed towards the square. During mass the new pope received the pallium, a white band with five red crosses, and the Fisherman’s ring, a symbol of the papacy, a gold-plated silver ring, on which his name and seal are engraved, which It was placed on the ring finger of his right hand.

Among the official representatives of several countries present were the Latin American leaders Enrique Peña Nieto from Mexico, Dilma Rousseff from Brazil, Sebastián Piñera from Chile, Cristina Fernández from Argentina as well as the President of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy and the vice presidents of United States and Cuba, Joe Biden and Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez .

Days later he starred in a historic meeting when he met in the papal residence of Castel Gandolfo with his predecessor, Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI.

Management of the pontificate

As Supreme Pontiff, Francis has been characterized by making a difference from his predecessors, used to breaking protocol and marking a new, more personal style that many have characterized as “different” in addition to having printed a new style in the way of leading the Church as well as its actions From the very beginning of his pontificate he has called for the construction of a Church “closer to the poor” as well as has invited priests to “come closer to suffering” and go out to the “peripheries, where there is suffering, spilled blood, blindness that wants to see, where there are captives of so many bad bosses . ” His speeches, many of them improvised, have criticized evils in today’s societysuch as unemployment , the lack of opportunity for young people, the commodification of education, poverty, hunger, misinformation in the media , war and the culture of money.

“The current economic system is leading us to a tragedy. We are living the consequences of a global decision, of an economic system that idolizes a god called Money ” .
Francis has also called on the Church to adapt to the new times and that is why one of the fundamental axes of his papacy has been the approach to social networks and the Internet as a way to spread the message of God “to young people and those who long for God’s mercy and hope ”

After the first months of his pontificate, polls showed that Pope Francis had a high approval rating and has improved the image of the Catholic Church . [33] Some journalists have pointed out that one of the keys to the acceptance of the new pope is his clear and direct language, which provides almost daily headlines against corruption, worldliness or ambition. A few weeks after his election, both the number of confessions and the attendance of the faithful at Mass had already increased, which was called the “Francis effect”; and according to one study, numerous people who had drifted away from the Catholic Church are approaching it again.


Italian flag Italy
Lampedusa (July 2013)
Cagliari (September 2013)
Assisi (October 2013)
Brazil’s flag Brazil (July 22-29, 2013)
Holy Land (May 24-26, 2014)
Flag of South Korea South Korea (August 13-18, 2014)
Flag of Albania Albania (September 21, 2014)
Flag of France France (November 25, 2014)
Turkey flag Turkey (November 28-30, 2014)
Sri lanka flag Sri Lanka (January 12-17, 2015)
Philippines flag Philippines (January 18-19, 2015)
Bosnia and Herzegovina flag Bosnia and Herzegovina (June 6, 2015)
Ecuador Flag Ecuador (July 5 to 12, 2015)
Bolivian flag Bolivia (July 5-12, 2015)
Santa Cruz
Paraguay flag Paraguay (July 5-12, 2015)
San Lorenzo
Flag of Cuba Cuba (September 19-22, 2015)
He traveled to Cuba between September 19 and 22, 2015, being received by representatives of the Cuban government and the people of the capital. On the 20th he officiated a mass in the Plaza de la Revolución José Martí , made a courtesy visit to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz and the President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz , he also met with priests, religious, religious and seminarians in the Cathedral of Havana and greeted young people in the Centro Cultural Felix Varela .

On September 21, he moved to Holguín , in whose Plaza de la Revolución Calixto García Iñiguez officiated a mass. Visits to the Bishopric of Holguín and Loma de la Cruz completed their activities in that city. That same day he traveled to Santiago de Cuba , and on the 22nd he celebrated a mass in the Minor Basilica of the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre .

See the Official Program of Pope Francis’ trip to Cuba

Flag of the United States of America United States (September 22-27, 2015)
New York
Among his best-known publications are:

Meditations for Religious , ( 1982 )
Reflections on Apostolic Life , ( 1986 )
Reflections of Hope , ( 1992 )

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