
. Known as basketball or basketball. It is a regulated sport, which consists of the confrontation between two teams composed of ten players each, but where only five play simultaneously, and they try to score the ball in a basket defended by the opposing team. It had its origin in 1891 , thanks to James Naismith , a professor at the YMCA University, in Springfield (USA). The first more or less official game that is known was played five years later, in 1896 , in Trenton (New Jersey). The first league, two years later. One hundred years later, basketball has managed to become a universal sport, with more than 42 million people practicing it around the world.



Basketball had its origins in 1891 , thanks to James Naismith, a professor at the YMCA University , in Springfield ( USA ). Worried about finding a game that could be played indoors (since the winters in that town are long and harsh), he hung two baskets of those used for picking peaches on the balconies of the University gym. With the elevation of these early baskets, Naismith was looking for a game that required finesse and agility, as opposed to the toughness that was associated with soccer.

The first more or less official game that is known was played five years later, in 1896 , in Trenton (New Jersey). The first league, two years later. One hundred years later, basketball has managed to become a universal sport, with more than 42 million people practicing it around the world.

In Spain , there are those who consider that it was introduced by the Piarist Father Millán in 1923 , but other authors affirm that the first match was held on the CD Europa soccer field between Layetá and Patrie equipped with seven players and with the baskets located on the goals, and in 1922 the first championship was held, once the rules had been rectified.

In the Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928 and in the Los Angeles in 1932 , it was an exhibition sport, it is officially incorporated in the Berlin Olympiad in 1936 .

Women’s basketball was included in Montreal , 1976 .


The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.

The ball can be hit in any direction with one or both hands, but never with the fist.
A player can not run with the ball. The player must throw it from the place where he takes it.
The ball must be held with or between the hands. The arms or body cannot be used to support it.
Shoulder charging, grabbing, pushing, hitting or tripping an opponent is not permitted. The first violation of this rule by any person will count as a foul, the second will disqualify him until a basket is achieved, or, if there is an obvious intention to cause injury, for the remainder of the game. It wont be allowed the substitution of the infractor.
It will be considered a foul to hit the ball with the fist, violations of rules 3 and 4, and what is described in rule 5.
If a team makes three consecutive fouls (without the opponent having made any in that interval), a point will be counted for the opponents.
Points are earned when the ball is thrown or hit from the court, falls into the basket and stays there. If the ball stays on the edge and an opponent moves the basket, it will count as one point.
When the ball goes out of bounds, it will be thrown into the field and played by the first person to touch it. In case of doubt, the referee will throw the ball in a straight line towards the field. The scorer has five seconds. If it takes longer, the ball passes to the opponent.
The assistant referee, “umpire”, will sanction the players and note the fouls, and will also notify the “referee” (main referee, see next point) when a team commits three consecutive fouls. He will have the power to disqualify players under rule 5.
The main referee, “referee”, will play the ball and decide when it is in play, on or off the field, to whom it belongs, and will keep time. He will decide when a point is scored, keep the score and any other duties of a referee.
The time will be two 15-minute halves with a 5-minute break between the two.
The team that gets the most points will be the winner.
Positions of a basketball team
“Base”:Also called “playmaker” (Playmaker, literally). Normally the lowest team player. In attack, the ball goes up to the opposite field and directs the team’s attack game, commanding the game system. The recommended characteristics are good ball handling, vision of the game, ability to make good passes, good speed and a successful outside shot. At the point guard, assists and points are appreciated, although a good player should achieve both. In defense they have to make it difficult for the opposing point guard to get the ball up, cover the passing lanes and be attentive to picking up long rebounds. Normally these players are not of a high stature, since what is really important is the organizational and game management capacity.Known as 1 in the terminology used by coaches.
“Escort”: Player normally shorter, faster and more agile than the rest, except sometimes the point guard. He must contribute points to the team, with a good shot including the three-point shot, a good control of the ball and a great ability to enter the basket. Known as 2 in the terminology used by coaches.
“Eaves”:It is generally an intermediate height between the inside and outside players. His game is balanced between strength and shooting. It is an important position, due to the ability to combine height with speed. In attack, he must be a good three-point shooter and also know how to finish an inning until below the opponent’s board, they are basic pieces in launching the counterattack and usually complete most of them. Known as 3 in the terminology used by coaches.
“Pivot-Wing”:It is a more physical role than that of the forward, in many cases with a game very similar to the pivot. He keeps most of his points in the low post, although some can become very effective shooters. “Pívot”: They are the tallest players on the team, and the strongest muscularly. Normally, the center must use height and power playing close to the rim.


Duration of a match: According to the regulations, the match is made up of four periods of 10 minutes each.
Players: The team presented to the match consists of a maximum of 12 players. 5 will form the starting quintet and the other 7 will be the alternates. The coach may change the players as many times as he wishes taking advantage of interruptions in the game, except in the school categories up to children (age 13 to 14 years) that all team players must play at least one period during the first three, being able in the last make substitutions.
Start of the match:One player from each team must stand within the center circle with one foot close to the line that divides the field of play into two halves, each one located on their own court. The other players must be outside the circle. The referee throws the ball up from the center of the circle and the two players jump vertically to try to deflect it, without catching it, towards a teammate of the same team.
Referees: For most competitions, two referees are in charge of directing the match.
Scorer’s table: The scorer’s table (scorer, assistant scorer, timekeeper, operator of the 24 s rule and, if any, commissioner) controls all the incidents of the match (score, time-outs, playing time, fouls, substitutions, etc.) and draws up the minutes of the match.

International rules

International basketball rules are drawn up by the central committee of the International Basketball Federation ( FIBA ) and are reviewed every four years. They are applicable in all international competitions between countries and adopted by the majority of national federations. In 1971 the rules of women’s basketball were modified and became more similar to those of men’s games.
A match must be directed by three referees, one main and two assistants. These will be assisted from the scorers’ table, timekeepers and a technical commissioner. The referees and assistants will direct the game in accordance with the official rules and interpretations. The main referee will decide in any situation of discrepancy between assistant referees, scorers’ table, doubts of validity in the baskets, will approve the minutes, is responsible for verifying, inspecting and approving all technical elements and will be able to make decisions on situations not regulated or regulated. The referees can communicate with the scorers’ table and with the rest of the referees through gestures, signaling incidents with a series of pre-established signals.
A violation is an infraction of the rules of the game, penalized with a kick-off or throw-in for the opposing team from the point closest to the infraction.

Illegal advance (steps) is an illegal movement of a player in control of the ball (the ball rests on one or both of the player’s hands). Illegal advance occurs when, once the pivot foot is established, the player:
He picks it up to start a dribble. Commonly called exit or starting steps.
While in motion, and jumping on the pivot foot, it gives two more supports, regardless of the order of the feet.
Willfully or involuntarily slide the pivot foot across the ground creating an advantage, the pivoting gesture is not considered to be sliding.
It is legal for a player to fall to the ground and slip while holding the ball, or to gain control of the ball while lying or sitting on the ground.
It is a violation if the player later rolls or tries to get up while holding the ball.
Doubles: A player must not dribble a second after the first has been completed unless he has lost control of a ball on the field of play between the two dribbles. That is, once the two allowed steps have been taken, he can only pass the ball to another player or shoot for the basket.
Foot: A player must not touch the ball with his foot intentionally. This act is considered rape. Although it is also considered a violation if it is without intention to touch the ball, and it is sanctioned in the same way.
3 seconds in Zone: You cannot stay more than 3 seconds in the restricted area of ​​the opposing team when attacking. In case you are defending you can be in the area as long as you want.
The player tries to leave the restricted area.
The player is dribbling to the basket after 3 seconds.
A player from the same team is in the act of shooting for a basket.
Throw-in / kick.
It must be taken out within 5 seconds with the ball at the player’s disposal, being able to take a normal lateral step and all possible backwards. Any violation of this rule is a violation.
24 seconds: A team that gains new control of the ball must take a shot for a field goal within 24 seconds. In the event that after 24 seconds the ball is still in the hands of the thrower or it has not touched the ring and its possession is not clear to the opposing team, a violation is committed. The 24 seconds are reset each time the ball touches the ring, a violation or a foul is commented.
Backfield: The ball returned to the backcourt (backfield) occurs when a team has control of the ball in the frontcourt and one of the players of that same team is the last to touch the ball in the frontcourt and then he or a teammate is the first to play it in the backcourt.

Lack of staff.

When a player illegally contacts an opponent and causes him a disadvantage or gains an advantage from the contact, a personal foul is called. Illegal contact is considered that which occurs when one of the players does not respect the cylinder of the other player and the player who invades the cylinder of the other or leaves his is considered responsible for the contact.

A player will not grab, block, push, charge, trip or impede the advance of an opponent by extending the hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, hips, legs, knees or feet; nor will it bend the body into an ‘abnormal’ position (outside the cylinder), nor will it engage in rough or violent play. The penalty for a personal foul is a throw-in for the opposing team from the closest point on the back / side line, except for team fouls which will be discussed later. On the fifth foul the player will be eliminated.

Foul in attack.

It occurs when a player whose team is in control of the ball commits a personal foul by pushing or colliding with the torso of a player who is in a legal defense position (Both feet in contact with the ground, facing the attacker, inside the cylinder and being able to move laterally and backwards, not forwards). If this contact causes a disadvantage to the defender, a foul by the team with ball control is called (offensive foul).

Unsportsmanlike foul.

An unsportsmanlike foul is one that involves contact and which, in the judgment of the referee, does not constitute a legitimate effort to play the ball directly within the spirit and intent of the rules, or the contact is excessively rough. It is sanctioned with two free throws and possession for the opposing team.

Technical fault.

Foul by a player or a member of the bench that does not involve contact, but rather deliberate or repeated non-cooperation or disobedience to the spirit of the rules. The second technical foul called on the same player will count as a disqualifying. A technical foul will count as a personal foul, that is, a foul will be added to the player who has been called for the technical foul, as well as to team fouls. It is sanctioned the same as unsportsmanlike.

Disqualifying foul.

A disqualifying foul is any flagrant unsportsmanlike offense by a player, substitute, excluded player, coach, assistant coach or teammate who must leave the field and will not be able to make eye contact with them for the remainder of the game. 2 unsportsmanlike fouls constitute a disqualifying foul. It should be mentioned that a disqualifying foul may also lead to one or more suspension matches as decided by the organization of the competition.
After a technical, unsportsmanlike or disqualifying foul, 2 free throws are awarded and a throw-in from the center line extended in front of the scorer’s table.

Free shots.

Free throws will be taken when a player is fouled while he is in the act of shooting, their number being determined according to the scoring zone in which he is (2 or 3 points). If during that foul throw action the basket is hit, the basket is valid and an additional shot is awarded. During the execution of the free throw, the player who is shooting will not be able to step on the line, this would mean that even if the basket entered the shot it would not be valid, as if one of his teammates invades the area before the ball leaves the hands of the thrower, on the other hand, if an opponent enters the zone before the player releases the ball, the shot will be repeated if he did not enter.

Playing field

Basketball courts

The basketball court has to be a hard, flat, rectangular surface free of obstacles, 15 m wide and 28 m long.

The field is divided into two equal halves separated by the so-called midfield line and with a circle that starts from the center of the court, the central circle measures 3.6 m in diameter. For each team, the midfield that contains the basket being defended is called the defensive midfield and the midfield that contains the basket in which it is intended to score is called the offensive midfield.

On the smaller sides, the hoops are located that are 3.05 m high and 1.20 m are inserted into the playing rectangle, they must be fitted with approved swing arms.

Parallel to the baseline is the free throw line, which is 5.80 m from the baseline and 4.60 m from the basket. The circle where the free throw line is located has a diameter of 3.6 m. Every line measures 5cm. Wide.

Ball or ball

Ball to play Basketball

The basketball has a surface of 9,366 points, it must be spherical, made of leather or rough skin, or synthetic material, to facilitate the grip of the players even with sweaty hands. It is traditionally orange in color, with black lines, but there are many variations.

Classic ball

Balls of three different denominations corresponding to three different sizes and weights are used according to the categories: the number “7”, used for men’s basketball, the “6” for women’s basketball, and the “5” for minibasket and pre-children’s (children 8 to 12 years generally). In addition, it is stipulated that the ball must have such a pressure that, released from 1.80 m high, it bounces between 1.40 and 1.60 m high.


The basket board is a 1.05 x 1.80 m rectangle, at least 30 mm thick and with padded lower edges. In the lower central part, there is a painted rectangle of 0.59 mx 0.45 m and that is raised from the board at the bottom 0.15 m, inside the rectangle there is an approved swingarm that supports the basket that measures 0.45 m, the basket grabs the inner rectangle in the center. The basket ring must have a diameter of 45.7 cm. The inner rectangle is used to calculate the shot, and when it hits it the ball enters the basket. The ring is located at a height of 3.05 meters and is fitted with approved nets.


Sleeveless shirt, On the front we find the team logo. On the back we find the player’s last name and sometimes the first letter of the name when there are two or more players with the same last names. Under the name, in large, the player’s number, which is very important to record the number of fouls and the player’s points as well as substitutions.
The pants can be short or bermuda shorts, the player’s number can be found in small on the right end of the leg. It must be the same colors as the shirt, it cannot have pockets.
Footwear: they are shaped like a boot to hold the ankle well and protect it from sprains. They also have air chambers to preserve the sole of the foot. The soles must have an appropriate design to stop fast.
It is forbidden for players to wear rings, chains, bracelets or any other jewelery as it can harm an opponent.


Free throws are worth one point.
Shots within the zone or within the triple line are worth two points.
Shots from the triple line are worth three points.
If the player is shooting a free throw and steps on the line the shot will be invalidated, in case the player is shooting from the 3 point line if he steps on the 6.25 meter line the shot will be valued as a field goal ( 2 points). However, a player in the event that he shoots from the triple distance can start the shot with a jump without stepping on the line and landing on or exceeding it, in that case the shot would be considered 3 points.

Technical fundamentals

Some movements of a basketball player are called fundamental, since they are on which the entire game is based. According to a strict concept, the “fundamentals” are only four: the dribble, the pass, the shot and the defensive movements.


It is the action by which the players of the same team exchange the ball, there are different types, among them are:
Chest: The most common, carried out by taking the ball from chest height and reaching the receiver at approximately the same height, on an almost straight path.
Indirect pass: When giving the pass, the ball is thrown with the intention that it rebound before being received so that it is more difficult to cut it and easier to receive.
Over the head: It is used above all by the pivots and when rebounding, as the name suggests it is done by throwing the ball from above the head strongly and with both hands.
Hand-to-hand pass: It is done when the receiver partner is very close, so that he receives the ball almost from the passer’s hands.

Types of Shots

Suspension shot: Shot to the basket after rising in the air, supporting the ball in one hand while holding it with the other, ending the shot with a characteristic wrist blow.
Free throw : Throw from the free throw line, after a personal foul or technical foul.
Tray or double rhythm: Throwing on the run, with one hand, after having taken a maximum of two steps after stopping the ball from bouncing.
Mate or dunk: Similar to the tray, but introducing the ball into the basket from top to bottom, with one or two hands.
Hook: Single-handed throw, perpendicular to the hoop, with the arm outstretched, gently sliding the ball.

Boat or Dribble

Action that consists of the player pushing the ball against the ground and it returns to his hand, the existing types are:
In speed: In running and with space ahead, the player throws the ball forward to run with more speed.


Defense in basketball is carried out between the person attacking and the hoop, the defensive position consists of slightly flexing the knees and making lateral movements trying to steal the ball or avoiding a pass, shot or attempted penetration of the basket by the rival .

Individual defense, also known as man defense or assignment defense: Each player marks a specific opponent of the opposing team. Zone
defense: When defending players do not mark their opponents one by one personally, it is called zone marking waiting for the attackers to arrive.
Mixed defense: It would be a combination of the two types of defenses previously exposed.
Pressure: It is a special defense that is carried out when the defending team advances the players to the opposite field to make it difficult for the rival to serve or pass the ball into their field (the attacking team only has 8 seconds to go from the own field to the rival).

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