Aung San Suu Kyi

Political activist from Myanmar ( Burma ). He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 .

Aung San Suu Kyi
Aung San Suu Kyi

Biographical synthesis

Born in Rangoon on June 19 , 1945 . Daughter of Aung San , politician and one of the parents of the Burmese independence, who participated in negotiations with Great Britain to end colonialism and who was assassinated in 1947 , and of Daw Khin Kyi, who exercised a diplomatic career and in 1960 he held the Burmese Embassy in India.

Aung was educated in Britain, where he graduated in Philosophy , Economics and Political Science from the University of Oxford and worked for a time for the United Nations . In 1987 he published a biography of his father.

In April 1988 he returned to Burma to care for his seriously ill mother.


He began to organize a movement in favor of the establishment of a new regime.

He then promoted an intensive campaign to send massive letters to the new government suggesting political reforms and, at the end of the year, together with other famous activists -among them the former defense minister U Tin-, he founded the National League to La Democracia (LND), a formation around which all members of the opposition rallied. Relations with power became increasingly tense and in July 1989 she was placed under house arrest at her home in Rangoon.

In November, rumors spread that she had fallen seriously ill as a result of her hunger strike in protest and, a month later, her husband Michael Aris published a compilation of her articles under the title Freedom from Fear and Other Writings . In this work the basis of his political thought appeared:

“Not being afraid can be a gift, but perhaps more valuable is the courage acquired through effort. Courage that is born from the cultivation of the habit of rejecting the dictates of a single individual, courage that can be described as grace under pressure, grace repeatedly renewed. in the face of incessant cruelty. In the midst of these difficulties, I feel that everything I am doing is worthwhile. The people of Burma deserve better than this environment of inefficiency, corruption and abuse of power. “
Her arrest was lifted in 1995 and Suu Kyi was re-elected president of the National League for Democracy. He entered into talks with the Military Junta in order to achieve a peaceful democratic transition, and the government accepts several proposals from the League and offers a reform of the Constitution. Suu Kyi responded by demanding a new Magna Carta .

In 1996 Suu Kyi was arrested again at her home. The celebration of the first Congress of the NLD, which took place at his residence, was allowed. At the end of 1998, he signed a statement along with the other nine members of the Steering Committee of the National League for Democracy in which they declared themselves the legitimate government of the country until democratic elections were called.

In October 2000, she was arrested again when she was preparing to travel to Mandalay. She remained confined to her home for another nineteen months until the government lifted her arrest in early May 2002 . The measure, insistently requested by the international community, was adopted during the visit to Rangoon of the UN special envoy . Just a year after partially regaining their freedom, Suu Kyi and other political leaders were arrested again in the north of the country, after four people were killed in a violent clash between supporters and opponents of the National League for Democracy.

San Suu Kyi was released on November 13 , 2010 .

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