Queen Victoria

Victoria I of England. He ascended the throne at the age of eighteen and held it longer than any other sovereign in Europe. During his reign, France knew two royal dynasties and a republic, Spain three monarchs and Italy four. In this long period, precisely known as the “Victorian Read more

Paul McCartney

James Paul McCartney ( Liverpool , 18 of June of 1942 ), is a musician multi -instrumentalist , singer, record producer, activist for animal rights, and British composer. Former member of the rock group The Beatles . Biographical synthesis Childhood and youth James Paul McCartney was born on 18 of June of 1942 in Walton General Read more

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein ( Ulm , 14 March as as 1879 – Princeton , 18 as April as 1955 ). German physicist , creator of the theory of relativity and several other physical theories that have led to new representations about space , time , motion , substance , light and gravitation . In 1905 he formulated the theory of “Brownian motion”, that is, of the motion of small suspended bodies Read more

Elvis presley

Elvis Presley . Famed American rock and roll singer and actor. He recorded 75 studio albums from 1956 until the year of his death in 1977 , including 22 soundtracks for his films, several compilations and 8 live albums. He shot more than thirty films including several documentaries of his Read more

Charles Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin Wedgwood ( Shrewsbury , December to February of 1809 – Down House , 19 of April of 1882 ) was an English naturalist who postulated the theory of evolution : “All species of life have evolved over time from a common ancestor through a process called natural selection.  The Darwinian theory argues that environmental Read more

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus ( 1451 – 1506 ). Navigator and discoverer, perhaps of Genoese origin, in the service of Spain , a controversial and mysterious man, self-taught and a great observer, he arrived in what was known as the New World on October 12 , 1492 , being the first admiral, viceroy and governor of the Indies. He Read more

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa of Calcutta , whose secular name was Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu ( Skopje , 26 of August of 1910 – Calcutta , 5 of September of 1997 ) was one nun Catholic origin Albanian naturalized Indian ,  who founded the congregation of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcuttain 1950. For more than 45 years, he cared for the poor, the sick, the orphans and the dying, Read more